Joel Chambers

So I guess I'm supposed to write something about myself here...
I've been involved with this youth group since I moved to Whitehorse in 2005. At the time I was still in high school so I was in youth group instead of helping out with it. In time (2007) I graduated and, with the rest of the Leadership Team, sort of assumed the role of youth/helper. About 3 years after graduating, Megan asked Sarkis, Pauline and myself to take a more active role in youth group, helping plan and set up, phoning youth in advance of Friday nights, and generally becoming more like leaders. We became "co-leaders" with Megan still being our #1 person we could always refer to as an authority source.
This effectively continued for another 2 years until Megan announced that she was planning to leave. At this point we had a meeting involving Megan, Pauline, Sarkis, Elizabeth, myself, and Pastor Norman. We discussed what would happen with the youth group and agreed that the four "senior" members (Pauline, Sarkis, Elizabeth and myself) should take on the effective leadership of the youth group for the foreseeable future, with Pastor Norman as our overseer (so to speak). We have been continuing Megan's legacy in this manner since October 2011, and so far it appears to be working fairly well.
Contact information:
Phone: (867) 332-7912
Email: [email protected]
I've been involved with this youth group since I moved to Whitehorse in 2005. At the time I was still in high school so I was in youth group instead of helping out with it. In time (2007) I graduated and, with the rest of the Leadership Team, sort of assumed the role of youth/helper. About 3 years after graduating, Megan asked Sarkis, Pauline and myself to take a more active role in youth group, helping plan and set up, phoning youth in advance of Friday nights, and generally becoming more like leaders. We became "co-leaders" with Megan still being our #1 person we could always refer to as an authority source.
This effectively continued for another 2 years until Megan announced that she was planning to leave. At this point we had a meeting involving Megan, Pauline, Sarkis, Elizabeth, myself, and Pastor Norman. We discussed what would happen with the youth group and agreed that the four "senior" members (Pauline, Sarkis, Elizabeth and myself) should take on the effective leadership of the youth group for the foreseeable future, with Pastor Norman as our overseer (so to speak). We have been continuing Megan's legacy in this manner since October 2011, and so far it appears to be working fairly well.
Contact information:
Phone: (867) 332-7912
Email: [email protected]